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Discover a curated collection of interviews and thoughts around Art, Sustainability, Technology, Science, Spirituality, Wisdom notes on our PAPER.
Birthing a Jungle Bungalow

This project is a materialization of various dreams, disciplines, perspectives, and collaborators. It is a living memory of efforts, missteps, pivots, challenges, and lessons learned along the way. Ultimately, it is the incarnation of the spirit of Zūnya, a project that is slowly but surely becoming a beacon of regenerative and connected living.

Offset your travel CO2 emissions

With coral-reef degradation, rise in sea-levels, and the threat of more often and more intense natural disasters, destinations dependent on tourism, and our future generations, will find it extremely difficult to adapt to the loss of ecosystems that our livelihoods depend upon. Today, CO2-neutral alternatives and lifestyles are more than ever necessary in order to offset the environmental damage we’ve already done to our planet.

Artist in residency: Ian Howorth

"I learnt so much - a lot of it about myself and what i seek in life. The kindness of people both at Zūnya and in the region has left its mark on me."

The Warrior's Journey through the eyes of Charlie

Charlie showed up every day, camera in hand, to accompany 13 brave humans as they embarked on their Warrior’s Journey. With the guidance of Diego Dosal, they joined with the purpose of uncovering their shadows and cultivating the tools and awareness necessary to become the best versions of themselves. Carlos’ testimony captures his reflections as an outside witness, the intimate connections that emerged, and the lessons he learned along the way.

The co-creation of the Labyrinth Altar

A short story about the creation of a beautiful space for prayer, and the opening of a Labyrinth altar.

Art   Collective  
"The universes we create" project by Anna Gadalean

Anna Gadalen creative residency project, “The universes we create”, fundamentally consisted in showcasing the connectedness to oneself, nature, and each other through a series of photographs featuring couples and families at Zūnya, their daily routines, or the activities they enjoy.

Zūnya’s waste management culture

Regeneration requires attention in several areas, yet in August 2021 we chose to start with waste due to the undeniable and painful problem that it represents in the region—the southernmost tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. Six months down the road, and having dug into the issue, I realize that the garbage crisis is a reflection (or an accurate metaphor) of how we deal with our own personal shadows: hiding them where nobody sees them, especially from ourselves.

Art   Collective  
Singing workshop at Malpais school with Huaira

Huaira, a singer, composer, and medicine woman from Ecuador, and Charles Michel, a food educator, activist, and cook created a unique sensorial experience and shared it with the kids from Malpaís.

Recycling in Malpaís, Santa Teresa, and the surroundings

This article aims to shine a light on the existing possibilities to recycle in Santa Teresa, Malpaís, and the region. Whether you own or work for a business or institution, or reside in the area, the solution—and the responsibility to care for our waste—applies to all of us.

Artist in residency - Ana Paula

Through her photography, Ana Paula explores the workings of the natural universe, the nourishing powers of creativity and memory, and our ever-evolving quest to break away from our linear understanding of life and find a sense of wholeness. In this interview, she shares with us the beginning of her journey, her sources of inspiration, and the new directions she is currently exploring through her work.

Stories for
conscious creators

Artists, creatives, all of you with a story to share. We would love to publish your thoughts.