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Saturday, 18th Mar
Amar•Amor: Art, Music & Dance Celebration
A space for cultural and artistic expression, we will be offering natural beverages, organic cuisine, and locally crafted artisanal goods


Love in all its forms of loving. The greatest of all teachers. We embrace to say hello. Give flowers as a loving gesture. Dance to an arrangement of sounds, and taste all colors of nature. Love is not something we do, it is something we can become.

Through the lens of love we shall commune together into a celebration of awakening our hearts. 

Amar Amor is a space for cultural and artistic expression, we will be offering natural beverages, organic cuisine, and locally crafted artisanal goods. 


The artists of the day: 

. Jo.Ke

. Yulish

. Lemonella


*If you are a local artisan and want to showcase your products please fill out this form


Saturday, 18th Mar
4:00 PM to 10:00 PM


2.5 km south from Playa Carmen-Mal Pais intersection
400 meters south from Indigo Hotel
Mal Pais, 60111
Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica