ShadowToGold Intensive IV
Transforming your deepest darkness into brilliance
March 27 - 29 2023 | Malpais, Costa Rica
The experience

Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.

- Carl Jung

There is no need to feel alone in our shadows: everyone has them, too. But when we fear them — when we hide them — we’re allowing our shadows to overpower who we are and to dictate our life. The shadow becomes a mask that clouds our judgement, dictates our decisions, and pushes us further away from who we aspire to become… all because we’re afraid of what others might think if we were to present them. 

But what if we told you that embracing your shadows takes away the power they hold and damage they’re able to cause? 

Our upcoming ShadowToGold Intensive is a catalyzer to help us uncover the root of these shadows, to reveal them, and to learn how to live with them just as we strive to live with our own light. Because once we’re free to see them as we wish to see them — and not how we believe others might — we can truly understand the message they hold, and look at them with compassion and curiosity. 

The Intensive takes you on your own Hero’s journey within a group of beings with whom you’ll build a deep foundation for a real sense of what community feels like. 

The method is based on a personal growth process established on Jungian philosophy: 

. Family constellation

. Gestalt 

. Psychodramatic techniques

During the intensive, you will create a solid container of trust amongst your fellow participants, one that will support you, and them, throughout your experience, as well as after the 2 days.

In ShadowToGold, we explore our inner landscape and discover the gifts available in our shadows. It is a way to become who we really are more and more, and to learn how to live more fully. ShadowToGold is especially devoted to providing a setting that allows us to explore and evolve safely, with choice and without pressure.

"What if your deepest, darkest shadow was also your best friend? Would you hold its hand and learn what it has to teach you?"

Your facilitator

The workshop will be led by Stefan Hermann, a German born futurist, author, and social entrepreneur who has resided for the past 2 decades in Santa Barbara, California, and previously spent 4 years in Pune, India. He has led hundreds of weekends across the globe and received the “Ron Hering Award” for exceptional leadership in 2004. 

ShadowToGold comes highly recommended by over 400 participants over the past 4 years in Mexico and all over India alone; amongst them are renowned therapists Rashna Imhasly (Mumbai), Pilar Cordero (Mexico City), and Gloria Burrett (New Delhi), all graduates of ShadowToGold  who vouch for the quality of the program.

Additionally, Stefan founded his more-than-for-profit organization GenDerations Mentoring ( to support communities in mentoring their youth, both boys and girls, into healthy, mature adulthood. He has taken this work to South Africa, Europe, Mexico, and now India. His work was scientifically evaluated by Dr. Sadhana Natu, head of the Psychology Department at the University of Pune.

The schedule

Below you will find a general timeline of Monday and Tuesday. Keep in mind that this is a very organic process that evolves and transforms with the group dynamic: 

Monday 5 pm to 11 pm

Tuesday 9 am to 9pm 

*They are breaks every 2 hours approximately. 


Out of this world, Mind blowing. Totally transformational. I LOVED it!

- Mr. Ricky Surie, former partner at McKinsey Consulting, USA
Included in your stay

All-inclusive package 

. Arrival & welcome (Monday 5 pm)

. Monday dinner

. Tuesday breakfast, lunch, and a light snack

. Wednesday breakfast

. Accommodation for 2 nights

. Decompression - two 2-hour circles and one 45 minute face-to-face or online personal mentoring session with Stefan on March 29 and on April 2

. Transport assistance. Extra charges apply

* Starting price for a single room is $729. Receive 10% off if you want to check in one day before. This gives you a chance to ground and settle in. 


Local package - $489

. Arrival & welcome (Monday 5 pm)

. Monday dinner

. Tuesday breakfast, lunch, and a light snack

. Wednesday breakfast

. Decompression - two 2-hour circles and one 45 minute face-to-face or online personal mentoring session with Stefan on March 29 and on April 2


* Participants arriving on Friday must ensure they have enough time to settle in before the first session begins at 5 pm.
The food

Our food philosophy at Nula, Zūnya's kitchen, is centered around a plant-based lifestyle, inviting others to embrace a more conscious and healthy way of living, and presenting new ways of treating our planet and our body—all this while creating delicious and beautiful dishes.

Nula is a sacred place for people to go and feel inspired about a meal. It is also a home for those who love Mother Nature and are deeply interested in caring for and protecting her. It's about nourishing, loving, and caring for yourself and others. Neighborhood farmers' markets are the inspiration behind each plate, and we work collectively to tend to the local gardens that, in turn, take care of us. We enjoy all of our meals family-style in the open-air dining area.

About Zūnya

You will be immersed in 33 hectares of untouched jungle sanctuary. Zūnya is hidden away from prying eyes in the town of Malpaís, a secluded spot on the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. This region is one of only five blue zones in the world. Malpaís prides itself on its amazing surf and its decadent mix of unspoiled beaches, private coves, waterfalls, and dense rainforests. The town of Malpaís is the perfect hideaway for those looking to discover an authentic Costa Rica.

Zūnya is a growing regenerative system, a 2.0 version of an ecovillage, using tools such as arts, science, technology, sustainability, and spirituality to enhance our way of living as we reconnect with nature, ourselves, and each other. You will join a collective of individuals from various backgrounds and origins in the process of co-creating a new way of life. Your visit is an invitation to join the family and embark on this journey.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to join the full 2 days? 

Yes, this is an intensive program. If you have any emergencies please speak directly to Stefan.


Do I need to join the decompression after the 2 days? 

Yes, participants are required to do the decompression either in person or virtually if they cannot stay on. We recommend participants to do the decompression at Zūnya in person to truly integrate after the weekend, within the community that you will build together. 


How do I get to Zūnya from the San José and Liberia International Airports?

There are several options to help you get to Zūnya which you can find in our paper.


What should I bring to Zūnya for my stay?

Please visit our Informative Booklet for more information on what to bring during your visit.


Do you have a working area with a strong Wi-Fi connection (and how fast is it)?

Yes, we have a new space called El Núcleo, which offers access to fiber-optic internet, desks, and plugs located right on the beach.


Will there be time for any other activities over the weekend?

No, the weekend is an intensive program, and participants are asked to commit to the full weekend to ensure that you will have the most immersive and transformative journey. There will be some free time within the schedule where you will have some time to relax in Zūnya. We would love to assist you in having the best experience during your stay. If you come early or extend your stay let us know and we can share with you a variety of additional services to choose from.