Arriving in Zūnya feels like coming home, over and over again, each time just as special as the first. Zūnya is located on the southernmost tip of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the pacific coast of Costa Rica, in a small village called Malpais. It is north of the Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve and south of Santa Teresa. You will find our google address here.

If you’re starting your journey from San José, there are a few different options you can choose from.
If you’re flying...
First, the quickest way to arrive in Zūnya is by taking a direct flight from San José International Airport to Tambor. The flight is roughly 35 minutes long and we recommend you book with Costa Rica Green Airways or FlySansa. Once you’ve landed, we’ll be happy to arrange a taxi that will take you from the airport directly to Zūnya.
The last flight to Tambor is at 5:00 PM, if you need to spend a night in San José and fly the next day, we have a list of hotels we can recommend to you.

If you’re driving...
Second, there is also the possibility of driving from San José to Zūnya. We recommend you rent a 4x4 car for the journey to make the ride smoother and easier on you. If driving, head west from San José to the town of Puntarenas and purchase a ferry ticket. You can pre-purchase your ticket directly on QuickPayCR. This will take you across the Gulf of Nicoya into the town of Paquera. From there, head south through Cobano and into Malpais. The whole trip should take about 4.5 hours.
Another option is to take a taxi from San José. Although they can’t ride on the ferry, the drive shouldn’t be much longer - around 6-7 hours. The price for the journey will be 350-425 USD.
Lastly, there is also the option of taking a shuttle from San José to Santa Teresa. You can contact Tropical Tour Shuttles or Costa Rica InterBus for more information about departure times and prices. All shuttles that take you to Santa Teresa also take you to Malpais. From the shuttle stop in Santa Teresa you can take a taxi for a 5 min ride to Zūnya which will cost you around 10 USD.

Traveling from Liberia is also a possibility. You can take a private taxi from the Liberia International Airport directly to Zūnya for about 300 USD.
You can rent a 4x4 car from the Liberia Airport: it takes around 5.5 hours to get from Liberia to Santa Teresa: Drive via Santa Cruz > Nicoya > Naranjo > Paquera > Cobano > Santa Teresa.
Or, if you’d prefer, you can also book a shuttle from Liberia into Santa Teresa on Tropical Tours. This ride will be about 5.5 hours and is the easiest way to arrive. From the Liberia Airport: it takes around 5.5 hours to get from Liberia to Santa Teresa.

We advise checking on your Country's regulations on your flight back due to Covid restrictions. You might need to leave the night prior to your home flight in order to do your Covid tests in San José and have enough time to receive your results.
We have taken all the necessary precautions to help you and ensure that your trip is as easy and safe as possible. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance with arriving.