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Why Costa Rica?

After 7 years of land research around the world, Costa Rica appeared to be the perfect place to build a regenerative conscious living concept.

- Diego Dosal, co-creator

Brimming with natural beauty, Costa Rica consistently ranks the highest of any Latin American nation on The Human Development Index and United Nations Development Program.

So, why Costa Rica? Keeping with Zunya’s philosophy and desire to create a regenerative conscious living concept - one that benefits all, and one that helps all grow - the country’s numbers speak for themselves:

• Costa Rica is one of the five blue zone in the world where its inhabitants live to over 90 years old. This is due to factors such as diet, quality of life, exercise, and community structure.

• According to the Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world due to the well-being and longevity of the population.

• With 220 species of reptiles, 1.000 species of butterflies, 34.000 species of insects, and 9.000 species of plants, Costa Rica is home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity.

• 98% of all of Costa Rica’s energy is renewable, which means they’re giving back to the land just as much as they’re taking from it.

• In Costa Rica, 28% of the country’s territory is protected under strict guidelines imposed by local governments. This number continues to grow, making it one of the most ecologically-conscious nations in the world.

• Over the last 10 years, the country has seen a 61% increase in tourism. More and more people are visiting Costa Rica today, making this a prime destination for travelers worldwide.

• Costa Rica banned the cutting down of mature forests in 1996. After the rules were put in place, the loss of forest decreased from 2.2% to 1.2% per year.

• Costa Rica is home to 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Cocos Island, La Amistad International Park, and the Stone spheres of Costa Rica.

• Costa Rica is working hard to become the first plastic and carbon-free nation by 2021. The local government launched an official national strategy in 2017 to replace all single-use plastic items with biodegradable alternatives.

• Costa Rica ranks as number 32 on the Global Peace Index, making it one of the most peaceful countries in the region, and one of the safest to visit.

• The first of its kind in Latin America, Costa Rica has created and implemented a plastic-free initiative they hope to meet by 2010. Once successful, they’ll be the first country in Latin America to be completely free of single-use plastic.

• As of 2019, Costa Rica ranked #33 on the Sustainable Development Report created by the United Nations. This means the country is on track in terms of reducing social and gender inequality and achieving the overall well-being of its citizens.

• Costa Rica has been free of army presence since 1948 when the president abolished the country’s military. The savings made from this decision have been used to improve education and health care, among others.

Because of this, we believe there is no better home for Zunya.