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Friday, 15th Jul
Play time
Play Time is an array of activities and interactions that remind us what it is to play. Who we are individually and who we are in collective through our playfulness.
Play time

Play Time is an array of activities and interactions that remind us what it is to play. Who we are individually and who we are in collective through our playfulness. It is a constant interaction with our emotions, sensations and curiosities that expand the possibilities within ourselves and our interactions with others. Play Time connects us with our active body giving life to our curious inner child. Where playing is not about winning or loosing but making sure you don’t miss out on having a fantastic time. Taking our body and creativity to new places, creating problems to then solve them in collective.

See one of her previous playtime workshop: https://vimeo.com/724097871 


*You don’t need previous training all you need is to be available to generate effort. 

*All ages are very welcome starting from 15 years old. 


Friday, 15th Jul
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


2.5 km south from Playa Carmen-Mal Pais intersection
400 meters south from Indigo Hotel
Mal Pais, 60111
Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica